League Lecture
In order to promote the further implementation of Anqing Foreign Language School’s youth league work, enhance the League Organization’s combat power and cohesive force in addition to leading all the League members to thoroughly carry out the conference spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, on the afternoon of 6th November, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Youth League Committee convened the themed league class learning activities entitled ‘Deeply Implement the Spirit of the 19th National Congress to Become Qualified League Members’. In attendance were all the Youth League activists in Anqing Foreign Language School.
During the lecture, League School Counselor He Chun proceeded detailed interpretations on the glorious journey, nature, aims and tasks of the Communist Youth League as well as her mission in the new era. Finally, Counselor He Chun laid emphasis on the League flag, League Badge, League song, League member certificates in addition to the origin and historical significance of the Youth League pledges.
Overall, not only did this league lecture propel the Youth League activists’ steadfast determination, but also played an active promoting role in Anqing Foreign Language School’s cultivation education and moral education.